Thursday, October 21, 2010

Comm Tech Final Essay: 'FaceFraud'

FaceFraud: Social Network Privacy Issues

Q: Why is privacy such a contentious issue for Internet users? Discuss with reference to at least ONE social network service (or other web2.0 service).

Seeing that little red notification flag pop up on your Internet Browser stating that one of your ‘friends’ has commented on a photo, written on your wall or invited you to an event is a feeling of inconceivable joy for some. It is this use or arguably ‘overuse’ of social networking in the 21st century that has somewhat defined Generation Y as the technology-dependant generation that it is, obsessed with the approval of others and a “narcissist fascination with self-display”.

Since the beginning of the century, the world has seen the establishment and rapid incline of Social Networking sites otherwise known as ‘Virtual Communities’ such as Myspace, Friendster, Facebook and more recently, Twitter. It is through these Social Networking Sites that Internet junkies, averaging between the ages of 18 and 30, have sought out a cyber world in which they can communicate with others and maintain relationships by sharing photos, archiving events, getting updates on activities and posting public testimonials.

When entering a virtual community, one must understand that this is a world much different to that of an ‘offline’ world, where relationships are developed face to face in a ‘what you see is what you get’ circumstance. When it comes to social networking, although users consider themselves ‘friends’ with the people that they meet online, they can never really be certain of the authenticity of that person and their true identity.

It is for this reason that Social Network Sites have implemented Trust and Privacy policies to protect Internet users so that any information that they do not want revealed to the public can be hidden from particular groups of people. Through these policies and data protection mechanisms, Internet users can be offered yet not guaranteed the same privacy found offline in the physical world. The number one problem evident with such privacy policies is that even though these policies exist and are in fact very effective, a large number of Social Network users are unaware and uneducated about how to apply such privacy settings to ensure their online profiles are being protected. 

One Social Network in particular that demonstrates this lack of Privacy Policy knowledge is in fact the world’s most popular Social Networking Site, Facebook. With an enormous user rate of 550,000,000, more than six times the amount of the second ranking Social Network Site, Facebook has proven to be the most popular and effective website used for online communication. Created in 2004 by Harvard Student, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook was initially constructed to target University students. It was designed to provide a network through which these University students could communicate with one another and form online groups. Six years later, Facebook has become a worldwide cyber phenomenon and now attracts users of all ages and ethnicities while still being a prime source for University and organisation promotion and advertisement.

Although its success has been enormous, Facebook in fact has a poor reputation in terms of trust and privacy. Statistics show that 25% of all Facebook users have public profiles, most of who are unaware of it. This means that all information displayed on their profile including photos, date of birth, current destination and email address are viewable by not only anyone with a Facebook account , but anyone who has access to the internet. If someone’s Facebook profile is not protected, internet hackers otherwise known as “cyber criminals” can break into a user’s account, get credit card information, steal their identity and trick them into revealing their online password using Malware which is “software designed to secretly access a computer system without the owner's informed content.”

An example of a case which demonstrates such an outcome of this lack of privacy protection comes from a Los Angeles woman named Diane Solomon who was out shopping when she received a message from a friend stating that someone was on her account claiming that they were in London and needed to be transferred an undisclosed amount money. Supposedly, this ‘cyber criminal’ was asking hundreds of Solomon’s Facebook friends for the money and some had in fact transferred it to the hacker.  Unfortunately, this is only one case of many and far too many Facebook and other social network users have experienced the same identity fraud.

So why is it that after six years, Facebook still has not found a more effective way to help users maintain privacy? Is it simply that online users are narcissistic and like to be on display to all online users? Or is it that they are uneducated about such a simple procedure to ensure their online privacy? Either way, the facts remain that without online Trust and Privacy Procedures, Social Network users stand at risk.

In the Cyber World, we have seen society advance in yet another incredible way. Through Social Networks such as Facebook, companies have had the opportunity to promote their products and services, old friends have been able to re-connect and in some cases, love has been found simply from a single Facebook ‘poke’. With simple changes to such Social Networks as Facebook, Internet users can become better educated on how to maintain online Privacy and more importantly, the risks that stand if they choose to ignore it. By taking these small steps, we can ensure a better, safer, online community for generations to come.   



  • +privacy&hl=en&btnG=Search&as_sdt=2001&as_sdtp=o

Online Journals:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

WEEK 9- Chosen essay Question

For my essay I have chosen the following topic:

Why is privacy such a contentious issue for internet users? Discuss with reference to at least ONE social network service (or other web2.0 service).

Why did I choose this topic to write on?...
Because I believe this is the most relevant topic to not only myself as an individual but our generation of social-networking dependant people as a whole. In particular, it is evident that our generation is strongly dependant on the use of social networking service FACEBOOK. Our generation has grown a dependance on facebook for communication and a simply and FREE way to express ourselves, advertise events and track down people that we may have lost contact with. One big problem that I believe is left unnoticed with Facebook is privacy. It is apparent through my own personal facebook investigation that many people are not aware of the ways in which we can protect the content we post on our facebook profiles. Many people I know in particular, have profiles which are unknowingly able to be viewed by anyone, anywhere! I felt the desire to touch on this topic for this essay as I believe it is an issue which is swept under the rug, and the youth of our society is far too uninformed of the consequences which can come with such ignorance.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Week 8 Tutorial Task- CyberPunk

Negative Impact of technology on humanity: In a cyberpunked near-future, technology runs rampant, and usually manipulates most societal interactions. Dystopian near futures are very common, but so are futures where the impacts of specific technologies are played out in a world only slightly different from the present. Sacred societal boundaries are often crossed with regularity. Often the earth is severely damaged. Crime and drug use are often key supporting the

A recent new story from discusses the way in which "Computer use has 'persistent negative impact' on child's maths, reading test scores". It presents the theory that technology is diminishing the reading and maths results of young students. It is also suggesting that recent technology is in fact counter-productive in improving student achievement. 

The following is my attempt to reconstruct this story:

Computer Technology: Is it doing harm to your children's academic results?

Recent studies have shown that modern-day online learning may in fact be hurting your child's academic results rather than helping improving them. Although it is clear that with the internet, in today's society we are able to access information much quicker and in a much more simple way than previous decades. Many people would view this is a postive advance on society with much more accessible resources, but what it may really be doing is causing the academic downfall of your children.

A study conducted by the US National Bureau of Economic Research suggests that
a program of broadening home computer access would be counterproductive for students as they tend to get easily distracted by social networking sites, computer games and any other computer program that is likely to be a lot more enjoyable than any school homework that they may have.

So how is the continuation of this at-home computer use going to impact not only the youth of society in years to come but also the way in which the planet develops?

In the worst case scenario, if the youth of our society continues this dependance on computers and academic downfalls continue to decline, we could eventually see a world that is led by the non-practical. Although through advanced technology, it would seem that we are learning more and accessing information quicker, dependance on technology enourages us to be lazy. And our world cannot advance to it's full potential if our generation and future generations are too busy updating their facebook status and playing world of warcraft to develop a better and ever-advancing world for us to live in. news story)

http://. (basic research)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 7- TuteSpark- Free Software.

For this task, I chose to download the following Free Software: Gimp Photo Editing Software, Mozilla Firefox and Limewire.

I found Gimp a lot of fun. Being someone who is frequently editing photos, this is a very helpful program to help me do no expense. It's straight forward, has all the necessary tools to do simple editing taks and best of all, it's free!

Mozilla Firefox was another story. Being someone who has always used either Internet Explorer or Safari, I didn't like trying to adapt to a new internet browser, even thought they're all very straight forward. 

And last of all, Limewire is obviously an incredibly popular music downloading source for music lovers, myself included. Although it's software that is very much frowned upon in the music industry and on an even more serious note, it encourages the illegal downloading of music, there's no denying that it's a great source to download music for free. Who could say no to that?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Week 7 Tutorial- Creative Commons

1. What is creative commons and how could this licensing framework be relevant to your own experience at university?
Creative Commons is a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting reasonable copyright. This licensing framework is relevant to our University Work in the sense that if were to write a story/essay/report or take our own photos/videos, we need to know that we are safe from other students trying to steal our work without us receiving the credit that we deserve.

2. Find 3 examples of works created by creative commons and embed them in your blog.

3. Find an academic article which discusses creative commons using a database or online journal. Provide a link to and a summary of the article.
Through the griffith online Library, I found a jounrnal written by Junko Yoshida on Creative Commons and it's contribution to the computer and consumer electronics industry and it's clash with record and movie companies. It discusses the way in which Creative Commons has replicated the success of the free-software and open-source movements.

4. Have a look at Portable Apps (a pc based application) – provide a brief description of what it is and how you think this is useful.
Portable Applications are applications that can be downloaded from the web and stored onto portable devices such as a USB stick, iPOD or Hardrive so that you are able to transfer the apps that you use regularly from one computer to another. For instance, as a Uni student, I always use my Laptop when working on assignments at home, but if I am in a tutorial, I tend to use the Uni desktop computers. In such an istance, if I were in a Photography class, I could transfer the GIMP photo editing app from my Laptop to the Uni desktop computer. This is very useful for people like myself who are constantly swapping computers and tend to lose data very easily as it's often hard to keep track of what program is available on what computer.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

WEEK 6 TUTESPARK- Privacy and Social Networking

Who owns the content you put on the internet on various sites? (This includes pictures, video, text, etc)
Majority of the content that I post on the internet is owned by many different sources from all over the internet. For instance, the photographs and videos that I have previously used for this weblog all belong to people who have posted them on such websites such as google image, photobucket, youtube, etc.

Think about all the content you upload onto social networking sites - Do you own it?
When i think of myself and my own personal use of social networks such as Facebook, majority of the content that I publish is in fact, not my own. I am someone who is always posting Youtube videos of filmclips, short-films, funny home-made videos etc which all belong to somebody else. In terms of photos, majority of the time I only use my own photos but there have definitely been times where i have posted images from the internet that are not my own. Coming hand-in-hand with these videos and photos, I also have incorporated quotes on my website that are not my own. So it is apparent that while it seems like my Facebook is my OWN, majority of the content is in fact not mine at all.

Who has the right to use your creations?
If we're not careful with work we create/photos we take etc, anyone could steal the content that we post on the internet. For example, if i were to post a weblog on here and anyone was able to access it, they would be able to copy and use it as their own. An example for how we would avoid this is if we were to post photographs which we have taken and edited on our own, we could protect them by giving them a watermark, so that if people try to claim is as their own, our name would be on it.

Monday, September 13, 2010


For our Culture Jam, Bec, Desma, Louise and myself manipulated a flyer for Sin City Nightclub's second birthday to convince the public that Jay-Z was appearing at the nightclub. To achieve this, we used several different marketing strategies to lure the youth into believing this media lie. Our main source of marketing was the manipulation and distribution of the Sin City flyers which we posted all over the Griffith University Gold Coast campus. This tactic proved to be successful as only moments after we posted them, we were all already getting messages from friends letting us know about this exciting event. We also received a lot of response on the Facebook and Twitter accounts that we created. These were established to promote the event, post updates and hints as to who the celebrity guest was and receive feedback from the public to see if our Culture Jam was successful enough. With the time limit we were given, I believe that we were very successful in achieving a Culture Jam that did in fact create an impact upon the youth of the Gold Coast.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Week 5 Tute Exercise- Culture Jamming. Planning Process

Culture Jamming...a term I've grown to really appreciate, and have a whole lot of fun with!
For this particular exercise, we've decided to delve into the clubbing scene and mess with the minds of young, naive club-goers by convincing them that famous Hollywood rapstar, Jay-Z is making a special guest appearance at popular Gold Coast nightclub, Sin City.

Why did we choose to do this?
Because the target audience is way too easy a target. All of these young hollywood-obsessed superficial adolescents seeking any chance to make their brush with fame...Why wouldn't we do it? I think that this will be a relatively easy Culture Jam to pull off as Sin City is notorious for having special celebrity guest appearances without much advertisement about it at all. And the youth of our nation tend to be the ones who overlook the fine print and forget to read into the facts. In other words, they'll believe ANYTHING as long as it comes off as somewhat legitimate. And what better way to promote this 'special event' then through the very portal which our youth depends on for communication and information: Facebook! Through not only Facebook, but also Twitter, we have created fan pages masked as actual 'Sin City' Fan Sites. Through these social networks we will post legitimate information about the club and its upcoming events. To create a subtle approach to the Jay-Z Appearance, we'll ease into it by posting 'hints' each day and simply starting off by just stating that a 'special celebrity guest' will be appearing for Sin City's 2nd Birthday next Friday September 10. Eventually once the final hint has been revealed, we will distribute flyers announcing the appearance of Katy using one of Sin City's own flyers but simply altering it and adding Jay-Z's name onto it. 
We're hoping that by promoting this event, we can prove that Culture Jamming IS a very common and successful form of false promotion. We're planning on rocking up on the Friday to monitor how many people actually show up to see Katy. We will also monitor the success by the responses that we receive on both Twitter and Facebook. Let's hope it all pulls through, for the sake of a good giggle!

Week 5 TuteSpark- Culture Jamming

Culture Jamming has proven to be a very effective form of damaging and exposing companies through their own ad campaign designs. Some examples of these are as follows:

The most damaging Culture Jam: 
Ipod: IRAQ Culture Jam- a very clever and also damaging recreated version of the very popular iPod advertisements:

"The most effective and disturbing of the images above is the iPod subvertisement. The well known colorful background, black silhouette of a person jammin' out, and what looks like iPod headphone cords remains the same as the actual iPod advertisement in order to initially appear to be ad itself. When examined further, the viewer will see that the person is a replica of the famous yet haunting photo taken of an Iraqi detainee at Abu Ghraib. It portrays a man being physically and psychologically tortured by being made to think that if he were to move from this stress position he would be electrocuted. This gives us the message that Americans spend too much time concentrating on consuming and obtaining physical "things" that we cannot even recognize the horrific, torturous, inhumane acts some of our soldiers are carrying out overseas. "

I believe that another one of the most damaging would have to be the Burger King and or McDonalds Culture Jams. Designed to influence people to STOP eating junk food, these Culture Jams are incredibly damaging to these large fast-food corporations.

These Culture Jams have created a very effective and informative way of making a statement about certain brands/people/corporations that are believed to be in some way manipulating or misleading. Culture Jamming is an excellent for of exposure and continues to be used throughout society to convey very strong political statements.

Week 4- Tute Exercise: Video or Film Online.

Question 1: 1.Where and when did usable online video start?

Usable online video first started in 2002. This is when Sony Pictures Entertainment, Universal Studios, Paramount Pictures, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Warner Bros. established the much anticipated MovieLink. 

Question 2: What recent innovations are being used to lure us into the movies? What are they luring us from?

Examples of technological innovations used to lure audiences to watch movies and television series include: Online Movie and Tv Trailers found on websites such a YouTube- This allows internet users to acces YouTube and view the full-length movie of episode trailer. These trailers are used to show parts of the movie or show (usually the parts that show the most funny lines or the beginning of the climax) that attract the viewers so that they are left NEEDING to see what happens next.  These trailers are also aired on television, at the movie theaters prior to a movie commencing and nowadays, these previews can also be accessed via telephone through mobile internet.

Question 3: Are short films still being made? Why? Who pays for them?

Short films are indeed still being made in modern society. This is made apparent by the large number of Short Film Festivals that are still being held in honour of the short film industry. Such festivals include the Sydney Film Festival and the world's largest short film festival which is TropFest. Short films make money from festivals such as these through prize money. Another way that short films make money is through the internet. 

Question 4: The term viral is thrown about a lot but what does it mean in film/movie arena?

The term 'viral' refers to a film/show/videoclip that is made popular through the process of internet sharing. These videos can be shared via email or video websites such a YouTube. The popularity of these videos is often determined by how many 'hits' it makes: in other words, how many views it has by the public. A great example of one of these videos is the ever popular YouTube hit "David after Dentist" which since it's release one year ago has received 66,416,848 views!

Question 5: Online video distribution isn't limited to the short film format. We are now starting to see television styled shows made solely for internet release (webisodes). Find an example of this style of content and discuss how viewing television content in this way can positively and negatively affect the viewer's experience.

3 examples of online webisodes include:
*Red vs. Blue

All of these online tv series are found on a website called I believe that the invention of these online webisodes can be negative and positive depending on the user. For people who have little access to the internet or simply have a very slow internet modem, it can be very hard to access and download such webisodes. In the case of someone who has very easy access to fast internet, I think this is a great way to air series as it is easily accessible and can be watched whenever one pleases as opposed to having to wait for a certain time when a show airs on normal TV. 

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Week 4 TuteSpark- Big Screen to Small Screen


Short Film #1: Lovefield By Mathieu Ratthe

Lovefield combines elements of HORROR, SUSPENSE and DRAMA to create a story that takes the audience on a roller coaster ride of emotions. It is an excellent example of a short story with a twist. What makes this short film so successful is it's use of music, setting and lack of dialogue until the very end of the film. The biggest element used to make this film such a success is the incorporation of the crow, screeching and crying and then going silent as the climax of the film builds up. 

Short Film #2: The Black Button By DarkHeart Productions

"The Black Button" is an excellent example of a short film. It presents the story of a man faced with the decision: 10 million dollars at the cost of another's life, or to simply walk away. What makes this such a successful short film is the way in which it was filmed with such simplicity, yet conveyed it's story, discourses and theme so well in such a short amount of time. The use of a plain white set with only a desk, chair and the button present focuses the viewers attention on only what is going on between the man at the desk and the man who has to make the decision to press the button or not. The use of dark, ominous music also helps to set the scene. 

Short Film #3: Intended Consquences By Jonathan Torgovnik. 

Intended Consequences tells the story of the 1994 Rwanda genocide. An event in which 800,00 Tutsi people were brutally slaughtered over 100 days by the Militias, most of these vicitims being women who were repeatedly raped resulting in the birth of 20,000 children. As a result, many of the women and children were effected by HIV AIDS, a scar of the war which destroyed the nation and most of the lives of the Tutsi people. What makes this such an effect short film is the use of not only video documentary but also photographical documentation of the victims which has been incorporated into the video. The swap between video and photographical story-telling creates a more artistic story, and therefore creates a bigger impact on those viewing it. 
This short film, along many others is a part of the now incredibly popular website, was created to provide photojournalists with a space to post photo-documentaries that they have created. It's openly viewable by all internet-users and has proven to be a successful form of advertisement for the works of those who post their work. 

In Rwanda, in 1994, Hutu militia committed a bloody genocide, murdering one million Tutsis. Many of the Tutsi women were spared, only to be held captive and repeatedly raped. Many became pregnant. Intended Consequences tells their stories. See the project at

Tute Spark Week 3- Digital Devices

Examples of Digital Devices that are not electronic: 

The Telegraph:

The Type-writer:

The Pianola:


Digital: Describes electronic technology that generates, stores and processes data. Relating to, or resembling a digit.

Analog: The continuous transmission of information to our senses.

Communication: A process whereby information is enclosed in a package and is channeled and imported by a sender to a receiver via a medium.

Electronic: Of, based on, operated by, or otherwise involving the controlled conduction of electrons or other charge corners.

At first, I found it incredibly difficult to distinguish the difference between electronic and non-electronic digital devices as all of the science side of things especially in the digital world tends to fly straight over my head. But from the information that I collected and the definitions that were found, I'm hoping that I have finally submitted three correct examples of digital devices that are not electronic! These examples include, the original telegraph; the long distance transmission of written messages without physical transport of letters, the type-writer; the first mechanical device used to process written documents and lastly, the Pianola. At first, I was convinced that a normal Piano would have sufficed as a correct answer for something that is a non-electronic digital device, but after more thorough research it has become apparent to me that a regular piano is indeed not considered a non-electronic digital device as it is evidently NOT digital, but the Pianola indeed is. 




Thursday, August 12, 2010

WEEK 3: Who came up with these Questions anyway?

1. What is the weight of the world’s biggest machine? How much did it cost to build?
The world's biggest machine is a giant trencher built a couple years ago by German manufacturer Krupp. It took more than 5 years and $100 million to design and manufacture.
The trencher is almost 95 meters high and 215 meters long (almost 2.5 football fields in length) with 45,500 tons in weight. Maximum digging speed is 10 meters per minute and it can move more than 76,000 cubic meters of coal, rock, and earth per day.

2. What is the best way (quickest, most reliable) to contact Ozzy Osborne?
The quickest and most direct way to contact Ozzy Osbourne would be through his manager, his wife Sharon Osbourne on 310-859-7761 or through his agent Ari Emanuel on 310-248-2000.

3. When and what was the first example of global digital communication?
The first form of global digital communication was Morse Code which was first initiated in the 1840's but wasn't extensively used until the 1890's. 

4. What is the cheapest form of travel from the Gold Coast to Melbourne?
The cheapest form of travel from the Gold Coast to Melbourne would be to grab a cheap flight through Tiger Airways.
Flight Details: TT 5507 OOL 21:45 hrs MEL 23:59 hrs Lowest Fare $78.95 AUD

5. Who is Hatsune Miku? What company does she belong to? What is her birthday?
Hatsune Miku is the first installment in the Vocaloid2 Character Vocal Series created by Crypton Future Media and the most popular and well-known Vocaloid, released on August 31, 2007 (also considered her birthday). The name of the title and the character of the software was chosen by combining Hatsu (First), Ne (Sound), and Miku (Future). The data for the voice was created by actually sampling the voice of Saki Fujita, a Japanese voice actress.

6. Find a live webcam in Antarctica. Find a place to stay in Antarctica.
There is currently a live webcam at Mawson station which is updated every 10 minutes with still images, the current temperature, time and current activities..
if planning to embark on an Antartic expedition, the stations that are available for accommodation and research include: Casey Station, Davis Station, Mawson Station and Macquarie Island station.

7. What song was top of the Australian pop charts this week in 1980?
On the week ending August 10th 1980, the number 1 song on the Australian pop charts was "Stars on 45 Medley" by Stars on 45.

8. How would you define the term 'nano technology'? In your own words, what does it really mean?
Nanotechnology is the art and science of manipulating matter at the nanoscale (down to 1/100,000 the width of a human hair) to create new and unique materials and products. In my words, this makes no sense to me whatsoever. 

9. What type of camera is used to make ‘Google Street View’?
The Google Street View camera that is used today is called a Street View Trike which is a pedal tricycle with a 4th generation camera mounted to capture images where cars cannot reach.

10. Translate these questions into Klingon.  
1:  nuq 'oH [the] [weight] vo' [the] [world’s] [biggest] [machine] chay' 'ar ta'ta' 'oH [cost] Daq chen
2:  nuq 'oH [the] [best] [way] [quickest] HochHom [reliable] Daq [contact] [Ozzy] [Osborne]
3: ghorgh 'ej nuq ghaHta' [the] wa'DIch [example] vo' [global] [digital] [communication]
4: nuq 'oH [the] [cheapest] [form] vo' [travel] vo' [the] SuD baS [Coast] Daq [Melbourne]
5: 'Iv 'oH [Hatsune] [Miku] nuq [company] ta'taH ghaH [belong] Daq nuq 'oH Daj qoS
6: tu' [a] yIn [webcam] Daq [Antarctica] tu' [a] Daq Daq [stay] Daq [Antarctica]
7: nuq bom ghaHta' [top] vo' [the] [Australian] [pop] [charts] vam [week] Daq
8: chay' [would] SoH [define] [the] [term] ['nano] [technology'] Daq lIj ghaj mu'mey nuq ta'taH 'oH [really] [mean]
9:  nuq [type] vo' [camera] 'oH [used] Daq chenmoH [‘Google] [Street] [View’]
10: [Translate] Dochvammey [questions] Daq tlhIngan